So much craziness, so little time.
School is off and running. Apart from adding the wrong class, everything seems to be going okay with them.
Jonah and LA were much needed. We walked in and handed Jonah our action figure and it felt so good to see him smile in appreciate and heartfelt laughter at the idea of this little creature we made for him. The two openers, gardening, not architecture and Iamani, were so perfect for setting the mood, engaging the crowd, and getting everyone in the right state of mind. I'm excited to see them again soon, hopefully. Jonah was amazing, played the end of the alphabet and thensome. The aftershow in the atrium on the side of Hollywood Blvd ended the night perfectly... Words can't describe how amazing the night was.
Living situation is so up in the air. It
was solidified, or so I thought. It's so uneasy not knowing where you will be living. I know it has affected more than i want to admit. It makes me constantly on edge. Worrying. Hopefully the new plan will work out. Although the timing is off, I'm excited, and happy about it nonetheless.
In the next few days things should fall slowly into place, or they should...