It seems a little crazy that it is already Thanksgiving, and then less than a month away is Christmas.
There has been so much that has changed in the last year, and still so much that remains painstakingly the same.
I am thankful for the following, including, but not limited to:
-my family and their support
-my friends, new and old
-miles, for all of the memories we have created and continue to make
-my health, even with some small bumps in the road...
-music and the amazing ability it has to free yourself from anything
-that I am able to pay all of my bills, and still have money for both myself and some extras along the way
-my home and security
It's weird to think that some people only take one day out of the year to reflect on the things they are grateful for. I would like to think that I am thankful year round, and that I share my gratitude with those around me, even on my worst of days. I am sure this is not completely true, but rather something to strive for.
We are going up to my aunt's in Auburn for a few days. Thanksgiving with the whole family is always fun, and filling. Being up there, with all the openness and country-ness makes you feel like you are on a little mini-vacation. Since I never got the vacation I so desperately wanted and needed, I will take all I can get to get away for little bit.
Type. Delete. Type. Type Type. Delete. Delete. Type.
Keep calm and carry on.