A cat is missing in our building. The sign says she has 'mis-shapen paws and cannot climb' Pretty much the saddest thing.
Today is V-Day. As in Valentine's day, not Victory in Europe day. I got the BEST mix cd. Our love is as giddy as two highschoolers, and Mix CDs make my day. Dinner is planned for when we both are not working, Wednesday the 16th is the new 14th.
Just as I thought work was going to be my constant, my control, the Big Boss Lady up and quit on us. I understand why, I don't blame her, I'm not mad, just frustrated. Our facility is large and daunting. The patients are demanding, the staff is not always the most supportive, and the administration is always in flux. Nonetheless, our department was solid, we had all been there for a good year and counting, which apparently was surprising to most. So now, here we are, not even a week into being 'on our own,' and already starting to sink. Today will be a real test, Valentine's Party for the patients amid the usual chaos.
On a better, more stable note, my classes are going surprisingly well. I am engaged and enjoying how challenging they are. I think I am more motivated than ever to get through this.
We planned a vacation! I have only been bitching and whining and yearning for one for over a year, and we finally did it. Ever since our epic journey through Europe I have the travel bug. I want to explore, I was to be on a plane for countless hours, I want to sleep in hotels and hostels and eat weird foods and see things that shock me. This next vacation is more 'American\Resort' but I am excited regardless. We are going to Hawaii in June for 8 days. Staying on Kona, renting a car to explore, hike the volcanoes and just be. I am so thankful for my family and that I enjoy being with them, and even more thankful that Miles does too. It makes things so much easier and enjoyable. This is where you'll find me.