February was quite the month. It seemed like every week there was something happening. Something wonderful. Valentine's day was fun. Miles made Pad-Thai, my favorite, and the fact that he made it, was even better.

Then literally a week later was my birthday. A mellow a day with the family, dinner and cake. A day to relax was the perfect present.
And then exactly a week later I got proposed to! If only every month was as special. But I think that would be a little too much to handle.

I have chubby little fingers, but now they have some decoration.
Every now and then I catch myself, stopped in my tracks, thinking about it, the question, my answer, the whole she-bang. It makes me feel so giddy, and happy, its almost surreal.
I put my application for nursing school in. I won't hear back for another three months. Three agonizing months. It shouldn't be too bad, as this is actually earlier than I thought I would be able to apply. I didn't think I would be eligible for a program until Spring, but alas, I was, and I threw together my application, letters of recommendation, personal statement and all that jazz, and sent it on it's merry way. So, I suppose if I don't get accepted for this Fall, all isn't lost, is it? I just need to keep telling myself this.
Now, onto the planning stages. Planning engagement parties, planning finances, dreaded student loans, weddings, graduation parties, vacations, it's all so exciting, I can't even wrap my head around it.
MRS and BSn Degree. The countdown has begun.

We like cemeteries. Obviously.