Mother's Day was nice and relaxed this year. Brad, Haley and I got together and made this photo sign for mama. We made dinner and chocolate covered strawberries, and hung at home, planning vacations and financial aid. It was nothing extravagant, but everything she wanted.
It has been announced that my hours could be cut at my work, so I am sort of looking elsewhere, sort of not. I asked to go back to Quest, but I asked a little too late, and thus I think I will bide my time at my current job as long as I can.
Haley had prom.
School is wrapping up for the semester. Two Papers. Three Tests. Two Finals. Then one little online class and I am 100% ready for my nursing program. Yes, I took the long way, Yes, it was annoying. But I have also remained independent and working through it all, so in the end, it will be for the best.
We leave for Hawaii in a month. The girls are looking into an Italy trip in August. We can dream.
Brad graduated. He is DONE. Some gave up on him, and to them we say ha! This is huge, and we are all very proud of him and amazed at all that he has accomplished.
I have become a bike-ride-aholic. You can find me on the Iron Horse Trail most evenings moseying along on one of my bikes. The other night I dragged Miles along with me, but I usually just put on a playlist and take off for a few miles.
I hope that with the next few weeks things will fit into place. Things will wind down, or wind up, or just wind.
While I am glad I am going to be done with Physiology, I will so miss the girls I met. We became more than just study-buddies. This semester brought some life-changing, life-ending, events for our little lab group, and we all seemed to bond and rally through. Dinners and breakfasts and days out on eachothers patios studying with long breaks just to laugh and relax. I will definitely miss seeing them for hours and hours each week.