Here is what we have been up to.
We went to Hardly Strictly Bluegrass. Met up with Andy and Chey and played some wonderfully inappropriate rounds of "Cards Against Humanity" which is like Apples to Apples except with a bite. It was a beautiful day in the city to be spent with friends laughing and walking amongst throngs of people, bikes and more people.
We went skydiving. What a rush. You would think that it would feel like you are falling to your death, but as I jumped out of the plane and started the free fall, it actually felt like I was floating. I could turn my body and see everything for miles and miles. Even though we went with ten other people, in those moments you felt infinitely alone and free.
Parachute problems. I looked like a beaten stepchild for days. Bruises and burns everywhere. This was the just the beginning of one of the bruises.
Back on solid ground. Safe and sound.
I got Above and Beyond at work. Basically employee of the month. Complete with a bonus and my own parking spot. It's nice to feel appreciated and special.
I made more for my work. Some people didnt get the memo that you have to wait to take a bite of it until after you take the picture.
We also made time to go to the Bad Dad's art show in SF. It was all art inspired by Wes Anderson movies and characters. And, because it was so close to Halloween, just driving to the gallery was like an art show in and of itself, between the usual crazies on the streets of SF and the ones that came out for the night all dressed up, it was quite fun.
We went down to L.A. for a family funeral and for Haley's performance at Disneyland. It was a whirlwind trip, but fun. 6 hours down and back of non-stop talking, laughing, and singing off-key with mom. I'm so lucky.
Haley and I waiting to go from funeral, to the Happiest Place on Earth, oh what a day.
This is Dotty. She is the fattest little baby bulldog you ever did see. My attempts at putting her in my purse and stealing her were unsuccessful, maybe next time. Puppy love, nothing beats it.
Due to lack of time and energy, my posts have been mostly picture updates and very few words... I wish this wasn't the case.
Up next, Thanksgiving, Haley turns 18, brisk winter mornings and evenings, and lots of chai and pumpkin everything. I love Fall and I love when it turns into Winter.