Summer is more than halfway done. School is in a month. I'm nervous to go back. Not that it's going to be hard or anything I'm not ready for... just the idea of it, and how much the last one sucked. Get through this and I'll be good. That's the way I should be thinking about it.
Three more weeks of Quest. (or should I say tres?) Who sends autistic kids that don't speak english to a summer camp in Alamo? The kids are funny and annoying, and annoyingly funny. I laugh at them and with them, and most of the time it's a combination of the two.
Haven't written in here in a while. There wasn't much need besides the Europe trip. Everything was going fine. Was.
I don't like not feeling like I have my space. Not like "leave me alone" space, but just a place to call my own, or rather yet, a place I want to call my own. Hopefully things will change. There's really no choice now, they need to.
Sensitive feelings are hurt easily. It's not even hurt feelings, it's more of a 'okay, I'm done for now' kind of feeling. I feel beat down a lot of the time, especially now. Even the simplest things are bothering me; snide remarks, the way things are said, etc. They probably shouldn't. I'm just on high alert.
[more to come]
come back to moderate alert since it's never on low. it's more fun down here i promise.