I like the small outings and adventures we are able to go on. Lately they have been few and far between as work and school schedules have been all sorts of in the way. The open mic night we went to with Patrick, Shayna, Andrew and Brandi at L’amyx was inspirational. I can’t wait to go back. Everyone was so peaceful, yet powerful. They were all respectful of everyone else’s opinions, no matter how different they may have been from their own. It was so comforting and uplifting. I want to contribute, we’ll see how long that feeling lasts when I am surrounded by a room full of people and a mic stand.
Thanksgiving came and went. So did November as a matter of fact. Classes, papers, and turkey, that was my week. We went up to my Aunt’s in Auburn, just past Sacramento. It’s so beautiful up there; the trees engulf you in their flame colored leaves, animals pitter-patter about as if you weren’t even there, and the open roads and paths seem to lead nowhere and everywhere just begging you to walk them. It was a nice relaxing two days. In between some Soprano’s Pin-Ball, Ping-Pong tournaments, Alpaca feeding, and controversial Apples to Apples, there was amazing food, and fun and friendly family conversations. Everyone was getting along so well, it was Kodak perfect, and so telling by the absence of negativity in the room.
Haley is officially 16. Party on Saturday. My mom asked me the other week “Why do I need to decorate? What’s the point?” Referring to Christmas and the holidays. She meant it in terms of me living with Miles now, my Dad being gone, and her ‘baby’ being all grown up. An hour and a half later, we came to the conclusion that she needs to think more positively. If only, if only.
It’s weird when someone you “acquaintance-ly” know sees you out and about and makes weird comments. Most of the time it’s the kind of weird where I just laugh, more at them than anything.

((an impersonal name. personally pierced. a funny little timing to a funny little thing. the deepest depths are the highest highs. a straight line. equal. even.))
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