I have fallen in love with two little old ladies. They are spunky little things. One scoots her way around the facility, following me as I work, commenting on a world that resembles nothing of our own. The other knows exactly what she wants, when she wants it, even when she can’t have it, and she knows that too. They are fun, and funny, and completely content in their own little worlds, which is definitely not ours. Unfortunately I had to transfer one of them to the hospital on Sunday, I hope she is back by tomorrow, they make my days go by faster.

I bought myself a birthday present, a Wii. I had told people for a while now, and several holidays have passed, with no such present. I suppose I am too old, now I get practical things like underwear and tires; both of which are important and needed on a daily basis, which I suppose is for the better. Meh, I’ll buy my own senseless fun.
School started again. Class at 8am, which means getting to school by 7:45 to find parking, get to class, get situated, and all that. I am not a morning person. This class seems like it should be good. I like the teacher thus far, which is more than I can say for last semester’s class. I am trying my best to stay motivated.
Is it only for me because there’s a “to” and “from"?
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