Monday, July 12, 2010

cashing in

The summer is flying by.

The Care Center job is temporarily on hold while Quest is in full swing. Week 4 to be exact. The kids are definitely making us work hard for our money this year. With our group maxed out, me, Miles and our co-counselor Adam have our hands full. The stories go on and on... there is always someone running, falling, puking, pooping, crying, screaming...

The other things that are filling this summer up with summer-things are nice, sweet little weekend trips, evening outings, and cuddly nights. We went white-water rafting again, except bigger and better this time. There was 'carnage' as they call it. People fell out of boats, rapids were big and cold. It was awesome, and I want more. We went boat-back riding (as I used to call it when I was little) with the family. A nice day on the lake cures all worries, you forget everything, soak up the sun, drink way too much lake water when you eat-shit wakeboarding, kneeboarding, tubing, etc. and just relax.

While I have been having a fun summer with the aforementioned things, I haven't had the one thing I have wanted\needed\asked for since March. A vacation. We went to Tahoe in June with my family. The annual hike to Lake Angora. It was nice. But it was no vacation. I am coming to the disappointing terms with it, and have decided to go to one of my best friends graduations in Hawaii in December no matter what. But still...all I wanted\needed\asked for, and here we are, middle of July with no plans, and no vacation had. So, here's to December!

Seems like everyone I know, or am somehow around, working with, what have you, is getting married, having babies, moving into a bigger know, doing grown-up things. I'll be honest, there is the huge chunk of people I\we know that are still living with mom and dad, no school, no job, not going anywhere fast. But, lately, there seems to be something in the water, someone pushing fastforward- It feels good to know what I want with my future, to have a place of (sort-of...) my own, and to rely on my own paycheck to make it through the month, but sometimes I feel almost behind, and ready for more. Maybe it's a growing up thing, maybe I am one of 'them', maybe I'm ready.

'Life is a coin, spend it anyway you want, but you can only spend it once.'


  1. You are not behind, you are way ahead of the game in many ways...I, on the other hand, need some of that aforementioned 'water.'

  2. Yes- I too think you are way ahead. I guess that means you have good parents-parent.. and you are more than likely an old soul...
    Hope you are enjoying the Nat geo's..
