Thursday, August 5, 2010

141 days

For the past few days I have wanted it to be Christmas season. December. Maybe its the fact that it feels like winter in August, maybe I like when everyone is in higher spirits, which in turn puts me in higher spirits, maybe I just like all the lights against the dark sky that come with that time of year. Either way, I'm ready for Christmas, just 141 more days to go.

Speaking of Christmas and the days around it... I never made a new years resolution last year, but I have been consciously trying to work on speaking my mind in a more timely manner. I have a habit of keeping things in until they are bothering me so much it is unbearable, at which time I finally get around to talking them out. Lately I have been trying to speak what I am feeling\thinking when I am feeling\thinking it. It has worked in my favor, I feel better, more calm at the end of the day, less anxious about little things.

Ampersand is being extra cuddly while we have the place to ourselves tonight until Miles gets home. More and more talk of moving, getting a pup, even if it's just talk, it's so exciting and motivating. I love us.

((If you are done, then they are done.))
((Situational frustration. Stationary manipulation.))
((It feels good when we connect the way we do. We always connect. I always feel good.))

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