Tuesday, October 20, 2009

you are contrasting the nude

((there is a certain fuzziness. it’s not soft. black on white. unbalanced. i want the scales to tip left. teeter-totter. motion sickness from the ups and downs. calm is coming.))

Halloween in a little over a week. No idea what we are doing. I like Halloween. I like the idea of being something\someone new and different for a night, even if only in appearances. Dressing up is always fun. I want to dress up. And I want to do something. I want to go to a haunted house, one that will scare me. I am beginning to enjoy being scared more and more. I blame Miles.

I have finally broken through some sort of wall, and as hard and annoying as it was, I feel good about it. I feel comfortable on a new level, and it's, well...comforting.

Finished Lullabies for Little Criminals. I loved the book all the way until the last ten pages which is frustrating. It just seemed to end so abruptly. I wanted more. Moving right along through Dark Tower, as I get more and more of the background of the story, of their world, the more you get pulled into the book. It's amazing. I started Jesus' Son today and am half-way done. I'll finish it tomorrow. I love the writing, the details, the comparisons of everyday things to natural phenomena, and beauty. It's captivating and intriguing and the fact that it's a little less than 200 pages means it will be a quick, satisfying read.

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