Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I just want to dance in your tangles.

Dear: Pens and Fancy Paper Tubes
Stop being swollen. You're hurting me.
From: Ears

Dear: Paris
Why won't you give us a couch?!
From: Poor People

Dear: Switzerland
Thank you for giving us a couch. Now teach Paris your ways.
From: Grateful

Dear: KS
You make me sick. ((Edit: today you surprised me))
From: Humanity

Dear: Money
Why must you always be at war with me? Why is there never a happy balance? I hope we can rectify this situation sometime soon. 
From: Bleeding Bank Account

Everything seems to be falling into place quite nicely. A little too nicely. The meeting went really well. I'm ahead of the game when it comes to GPA and credits. Now I just need to finish those last few classes. Just. hah.

The trip is fast approaching. Plans are being finalized. Couch-Surfing will be an amazing experience. I hope that people are as open-minded as they claim to be, I would assume they would be to be apart of such an amazing, trusting, and care-free type of organization.

Sometimes I wonder what people's intentions are. Not even intentions rather, but ideas, or thoughts behind their actions I guess. The last few days especially. 

People blowing you off never feels good. Today it hurt because it was my mom. Weird. 

Finished book number 3 of the Dark Tower Series. I am debating whether to start number 4 before or after the trip. I am also reading The Alchemist, Candy Everybody Wants, and finishing House of Leaves once and for all. While reading at JustinBucks (twice today I might add) I ran into a multitude of old friends. It was nice to laugh and catch up with them. See how they've changed and how they haven't. Some surprised me by their growth and some by their lack thereof. It was nice to sit and reminisce about the old days, I wonder what other people around us thought as we recalled some of the memories and then laughed hysterically? I don't care, it was so worth the judgmental looks and quiet mumbles...

[To give me some reason to move, but to take on the world at all angles, requires a strength I can't use]

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